Friday, September 4, 2009

Follow These Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

Popularizing your blog is not as easy as it sounds. There are certain basic ground rules to follow to ensure continuous increase in blog traffic. Here are some working tips that you can implement quite easily to promote your blog popularity. There are of course professional service providers out there who can drive up your blog traffic with such tips and more.

Making your blog attractive and unique is the most important thing to improve visits to your blog. There are many CMS tools available online to choose from in order to create your own customized blog. A blog which you build from scratch can be made more creative and accommodative for future blog growth. Once you have a blog with a nice "look and feel" you should host it at the proper place. Hosting it up on your own domain instead of a different domain is the best idea you could think of because you can then attract enough links and publicity automatically. Next is to focus on blog content. When you are giving titles to your posts make sure they are small and catchy at the same time. They should also include intelligent keywords or phrases that would throw up your blog when a search is launched using search engines. Participating actively on forums and other related blogs is crucial to popularizing your own blog. When you write interesting stuff on already existing heavy traffic blogs and sites, people who are attracted by your writing are very likely to be tempted to know more about you and can be easily prompted to visit your blog. Tagging your posts also helps immensely to increase blog visitors.

The content on your blog that is in the posts should be on topics that are exclusive, informative and useful to the bloggers. Topics should be based on what people want to know and learn. This way you will have repeat visitors and also word of mouth publicity citing your blog as being informative to read. Ensure that you provide links on your posts that are relevant. Make sure that you do not carry advertisements till your blog has got a good following. Get some popular guest bloggers to contribute to your blog. This would be a great way to create visibility for your blog. Nicely formatted text accentuated with a few charts would make better reading than mere flow of text.

Tracking software for visitors will help you to understand what is getting viewed and what is being ignored. Analyze the traffic that flows into your blog. Keep adjusting your content based on the feedback you can get from such software. You may have some popular content that is pretty old. But make it easily accessible to your visitors by organizing your archives well in terms of topics and dates. Sharing "secret" information that is generally not revealed to the public can help your blog to zoom up in popularity charts -- like some trade secrets, details on pricing etc that can be shared without any harm to the business can be done.


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